Single Bouquet, Medium


This is a single bouquet, size medium

*Price includes a $10 delivery fee for New Haven County. There will be an additional fee depending on mileage.

Our bouquets are filled with flowers grown on site, however depending on the season we also supplement with wholesale flowers.

Bouquets pictured are just an example. Floral arrangment will vary depending on season

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This is a single bouquet, size medium

*Price includes a $10 delivery fee for New Haven County. There will be an additional fee depending on mileage.

Our bouquets are filled with flowers grown on site, however depending on the season we also supplement with wholesale flowers.

Bouquets pictured are just an example. Floral arrangment will vary depending on season

This is a single bouquet, size medium

*Price includes a $10 delivery fee for New Haven County. There will be an additional fee depending on mileage.

Our bouquets are filled with flowers grown on site, however depending on the season we also supplement with wholesale flowers.

Bouquets pictured are just an example. Floral arrangment will vary depending on season